Saturday, January 19, 2013


odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net'

odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - talk odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - talk-feed


odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - talk talk

“dummy” RecentChanges in the main wikis


I did something weird: I created “dummy” RecentChanges in the main wikis.

A page RecentChanges exists in all wikis sitting in the wiki-hives, RecentChanges for example. But in the main wikis of the wiki-hives the page has different names:

In the main wikis there is a local name recent changes defined. It points to the address showing the recent changes to the main wiki exclusively, for example odd-wiki-hive - recent changes (=;local=1). Redirecting to this page from RecentChanges would be silly and doesn’t work.

When recently making the sister site icons at the bottom of pages work I realized that the icons link to pages RecentChanges in the main wikis which didn’t exist. Therefore I made the “dummy” pages and therefore only.

This does not yet feel quite right to me, I’m only testing. Probably the main wikis rather need a page called AllRecentChanges (similar for all wiki hives, no hive name in it) and I also need to change RecentChanges to AllRecentChanges somewhere else (like in the config or so, not sure).




"dummy" RecentChanges in the main wikis - 'wiki-net'

Friday, January 18, 2013


odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net'

odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - face odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - face-feed


odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - face face

much closer …

When using web-services for what they do best instead of for everything the idea of a wiki-net comes much closer …

The overload of has been largely reduced on some wikis in the wiki-net, replacing most of its former functionality with yahoo pipes. Sorry

With the year’s shift all direct video inclusions into the wikis via have been removed wiki-net wide and voilà: The average server CPU load went down from ~ 700 MB to ~ 100 MB, yeah!

Currently somewhere close to the forefront of development are the:


odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net'

odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - talk odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - talk-feed


odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - talk talk

one of my hobbies


I started the page google - plus communities wiki-net. Is there a way to get hold of the feed for a google plus community? Including feeds into wikis is one of my hobbies, you know


odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net'

odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - wiki-net odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - wiki-net-feed [en]

odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - wiki-net wiki-net

The wiki-net of the 'wiki-net':

machine code block

who help who help

The wiki-net pages for the main pages:

wiki-net changes wiki-net changes

wiki-net feeds complete wiki-net feeds complete

wiki-net soups wiki-net soups

The wiki-net pages for the day-page-sets:

wiki-net day-page-sets wiki-net day-page-sets

wiki-net faces wiki-net faces

  • odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - face [en]

  • [[odd-wiki-hive_-_city-wiki-center_-_face?]] [en]

  • [[odd-wiki-Nest_-_de-odd-wiki-Zentrum_-_Gesicht?]] [de]

  • [[odd-wiki-hive_-_en-odd-center-wiki_-_face?]] [en]

  • [[ruche-odd-wiki_-_fr-odd-wiki-centre_-_visage?]] [fr]

  • [[obm-wiki-hive_-_hive-wiki_-_face?]] [en]

  • [[odd-wiki-alveare_-_it-odd-wiki-centro_-_faccia?]] [it]

  • [[kabo-wiki-hive_-_whoRthey-wiki_-_face?]]

wiki-net Mµs wiki-net hints

wiki-net local names wiki-net local names

wiki-net talk wiki-net talk

  • odd-wiki-hive - 'wiki-net' - talk [en]

  • [[odd-wiki-hive_-_city-wiki-center_-_talk?]] [en]

  • [[odd-wiki-Nest_-_de-odd-Zentrum-wiki_-_Gespräch?]] [de]

  • [[odd-wiki-hive_-_en-odd-center-wiki_-_talk?]] [en]

  • [[ruche_odd-wiki_-_fr-odd-centre-wiki_-_bavardage?]] [fr]

  • [[odd-wiki-alveare_-_it-odd-centro-wiki_-_conversazione?]] [it]

  • [[odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki - talk] [en]+[de]-

  • [[odd-wiki-Nest_-_Religions-wiki_-_Gespräch?]] [de]

wiki-net tings wiki-net tings

wiki-net wiki ideas wiki-net wiki ideas

The wiki-net pages for the search queries:

wiki-net groups wiki-net groups

wiki-net Mµs wiki-net Mµs

end machine code block

about the latest modification

Mattis Manzel:

Removed the section for the wiki-net net clips.




the soups of the wikis in our neigborhood - 'wiki-net'